How Easy is It to Change From Metal to Ceramic Braces
Switch from Metal to Ceramic
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- HappyMom
- Posts: 5
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Switch from Metal to Ceramic
Yikes! I have had my metal brackets for 4 days now. My ortho says metal is stronger than ceramic. I am really self conscious about the look of the metal and have called my ortho to see if I can switch to ceramic. Has anyone out there ever switched? What is involved? Are you glad you did? Thanks for any advice... I am so in need of good "been there done that" advice.
- Delag
- Posts: 834
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I don't have any experience with changing brackets - sorry. I would encourage you to give them a little more time though. First, your teeth are probaby a bit sore from being braced and you might not want them to be messed with until they are less tender. Second, you might see things a little differently in a couple of weeks. My first week or so in metal brackets found me being shocked everytime I looked in the mirror - and I choose metal because I prefer the way they look This is, of course, your decision and you need to do what if comfortable for you. Good luck and let us know what you decide to do.
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You already called the ortho? WHat did they say?
You made the choice so give it a little time they are way new for you and I know what you are feeling. I went with the clear ceramics on top and the metals on the bottom. Wait until your next appointment if you want to change this may give you enough time to accept the ones you have on now. They are foregin at the moment.
- iBorg
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I'm exactly the opposite. I've been wired for almost six months. During that time I've had people stare trying to figure out what's going on with my mouth. Either way braces are going to be visible, some more so than others.
If I had to do over, I'd go full metal which may seem strange for a 48-year-old male professional. I'd rather people recognize I'm doing something to make my teeth better instead of trying to figure out what's caught in my teeth.
The important thing isn't how they look but what they do. When I started my top teeth were all but hidden. At the beginning I was very unsure if I wanted anyone to know I had braces. Beyond my wife and kids, no one else knew I was doing this. Now I'm proud of my progress and soon will be of my teeth. I'm doing my best to enjoy the process. As you gain comfort with your new "jewelry" and see progress you may find yourself proud to show off your smile.
I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.
- platinum
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i got my lower braces first. they are metal. i hated the look from the moment i saw them. luckily i will get clear ones on the top.
maybe you can change some of the top brackets to ceramics like KK has.
- Keith
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My .02:
Keep the metal. I had metal on bottom and ceramic on top. My ligs stained so much all the time that they looked worse than metal when they got all funky yellow! Also, towards the end of my treatment, the ortho was trying to get me to switch to metal to speed up the process. IF I did it all over again, I would go with metal because I do believe they speed up treatment, even if only by a few months.
And someone else posted - braces are braces. And I would think if you switched now, that would set your treatment back at least an adjustment or two plus the extra time that ceramics take as well.
Good luck with whatever you decide!
- bracesafter40
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Keep the metal! don't switch.
I have metal tops and will get metal bottoms in less than 4 weeks and can't wait.
Like someone says, you have braces and as much as we think ceramics hide it, it really does not, that archwire is still there and people still notice it.
I do see people look at me a bit more, but you know what it is O.K. I have to admit as much as I don't want to though, I am self-conscious, but I like my metals!
Top braces on Feb. 28, 2007
Bottoms and 1st. adjustment to be done on April 4, 2007
Total time in to be 2.5 years at a minimum!
- bracesafter40
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KK, I have not worn ceramics. But I work with two ladies who are currently wearing them, I actually saw them wearing them today.
It is a matter of choice, but I am not a fan of ceramics at all.
- bracey
- Posts: 39
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I got my brackets on last week and I was expecting and had prepared myself mentally for metal, when I saw them they were ceramics!! I have to say I wasnt sure at first about them, and since I had thought I would be havng the metal ones and read that they work better etc etc.
BUT NOW that I have experienced the ceramic braces I LOVE THEM they look fantastic, Im not saying that the fact you are wearing braces is not evident it is, but it is more subtle, people havent noticed my braces unless really close to me, and even some people havent noticed yet still.!!
But again I want to stress Its not to try and hide that you are wearing braces but just a personal choice on what you prefer yourself.
I had braces when I was younger, so this is my second time round, they were metal the first time, I honestly dont remember that much about them, but I dont think I was bothered too much by the metal, so having experienced both! I'd say I prefer the ceramic.
right now even though my smile is still crooked under the ceramics, I sorta like smiling with them, I feel like I have big white teeth with them!!
- HappyMom
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:43 am
Great help- thanks for your input
Thank you all for your input. It seems as though trading ceramic for metal would not be unheard of. He uses the ligating braces as well so I do not have rubber bands to worry about staining and matching the ceramic.(Thanks so much Kiwi for some great information). I feel that personally, I will be more confident with the ceramic on my uppers. I hope that it does not cost me too much to replace. Great advice from you all. Thank you so much. I wish you all bright happy smiles today!
- ssfw
- Posts: 652
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If you still feel you want to change your brackets from metal to ceramic, I suggest you call your ortho's office and see how much they will charge if there is an additional charge for removing your brackets and what the charge is for ceramic brackets. Be sure your ortho feels the ceramic brackets will work regarding your ortho treatment - I think ceramic brackets work just as well on standard ortho correction.
I have never switched from metal to ceramic brackets but think that if you have the type of brackets that you feel comfortable in, it will make your ortho treatment a bit easier (mentally) which in turn will probably make the journey more pleasant.
I have ceramic on the all the upper and front lower. My ortho felt it would be best to have metal on the lower back teeth, which was fine with me. I'm glad I have had the opportunity to wear both types of brackets and found that they both look great and are both very comfortable. My ortho told me that the ceramic brackets usually extend the treatment time by a couple months but that didn't matter to me. Initially, I was going to get all metal brackets but at the last minute I changed my mind and was so glad I did.
If there is a charge for removing the brackets and replacing them, don't dwell on it. I think most orthos charge a fee per arch for ceramic brackets.
Keep us posted.
Quad-Helix expander: 1/20/06 - 1/16/07
Upper braces: 5/19/06; lower braces: 9/7/06
Braces removed: 8/19/08
Received retainer: 8/26/08 - wearing retainer 24 hours/day
Next appt.: 11/18/08
- Wired in Hawaii
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When I first went for my consultation, my ortho asked me whether I wanted ceramic or metal for my top teeth, I said ceramic.
On my 1st appointment, he put on my braces and handed me a mirror, I was shocked and stunned to see metal on both upper and lower teeth!!! I told him that he made a mistake and that I was supposed to have ceramic on the top. All he said was it was a good thing that i told him then and there. He just pulled them off and stuck on the clear ones! Whew!! So technically I had both, but I had the metal ones for only a few minutes!!!
I love my ceramic braces!!! It is a personal choice and only you can decide what is best and most comfortable for you. Good luck to you and let us know what you decide!
- nvcarissa
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I am one of the few here that started out with ceramic on my social six, but after three months and never getting used to the larger size of them, switched to all metal and I love them. More comfortable for me.
But this really is something that everyone has to decide for themselves.
Don't be surprised if your ortho charges a fee to make the switch.
Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.
- HappyMom
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:43 am
Switch from Metal to Ceramic
Hello all you helpful folks out there! Spoke to my ortho today about switching. He said he would be happy to do it, but wanted me to consider two factors.
One-He said ceramic brackets are more un-comfortable because they are bigger.
Two- He said that ceramic would add on a couple of months to my treatment time because they are not as efficient as metal.
So, food for thought (not for chewing yet ! ). Also, he said the cost would be about $250 to change the upper front teeth.
Thought this info may be helpful to you all. Thanks again!
- JoviFan
- Posts: 205
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Re: Switch from Metal to Ceramic
HappyMom wrote:Hello all you helpful folks out there! Spoke to my ortho today about switching. He said he would be happy to do it, but wanted me to consider two factors.
One-He said ceramic brackets are more un-comfortable because they are bigger.
Two- He said that ceramic would add on a couple of months to my treatment time because they are not as efficient as metal.
So, food for thought (not for chewing yet! ). Also, he said the cost would be about $250 to change the upper front teeth.
Thought this info may be helpful to you all. Thanks again!
funny - my ortho said as far as treatment time - it didn't really matter whether ceramic or metal...
Uppers Braced 1/29/07; 2 Upper bicuspid extractions 9/14/07; Lowers braced 9/25/07
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